If you are new to fishing you might be wondering what type of rod and reel should I be using? I am going to tell you about the different types of reels out there along with the pros and cons of each of them. Spin Casting Reel This is what most anglers start out […]

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Most fishing line is non-biodegradable and can last hundreds of years in landfills. Line is often left in nature because people get their lines snagged on something and then have to cut the line, or are pulling too hard and the line snaps after time with currents in the water this line washes up on […]

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One of our first times out fishing at Charlie Lake we were fishing off the dock and there was this guy on shore just slaying the pike. Every few casts he would be pulling in a new pike releasing it then pulling another one in. This went on for the whole time we were there. […]

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